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Money-Making Ideas

I've had lots of great garage sales. I recently had my most successful yard sale ever. Made over $1,000! Here are 101 of my best yard sale tips... for FREE.

Wondering where you should post your yard sale online? I've had the best success with these 6 yard sale search websites & apps. Yard sale advertising tips!

Yard Sale Facts: Should you have your yard sale at a certain time of year? Which month is best? Which day is best? What is the best time? Here's when & why.

All about garage sale cash. How to easily make change with your shoppers. How much loose change to get. How to organize your money & keep it safe during the garage sale.


I'm a Native American. Typically, Native American collectibles are priced too high... or too low because the person selling them doesn't know what they have. How to get a fair price for your collectibles.

Being a successful landlord will ultimately require that you understand both your responsibilities as a landlord as well as the rights of your renters. Here's what you need to know before you rent out your house.

A yard sale is a great way to bring in some extra money... fast! Plus, it's a great way to get rid of items that you don't want or can't use anymore. You never know when your junk may be someone else's treasure. Here are 20 awesome tips for hosting a successful yard sale

What's the best DIY home improvement project that costs least, increases a home's value most and has the greatest return on investment? Answer: cleaning & decluttering! See what the other 11 are.

In my experience of cleaning and being self-employed, there are some ups and downs to this business. In case anyone's interested in starting a cleaning business, I thought I'd share some tips, plus some of the differences between working for a cleaning company vs being self-employed with your own cleaning service.