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Does a no-name melamine sponge work as well as a Magic Eraser? I tested them side by side. Result: Cheap melamine sponges are IDENTICAL to Magic Erasers!

I keep plastic shopping bags rolled together in self-dispensing bundles. I'm going to show you how to roll plastic bags so you can pull 1 bag out at a time.

I've had lots of great garage sales. I recently had my most successful yard sale ever. Made over $1,000! Here are 101 of my best yard sale tips... for FREE.

I've used Essential Oils for years for their Aromatherapy properties. Here are the basics of Aromatherapy and how to get started with Essential Oils.

First time chicken owner? I've been raising chickens over 20 years. See all of my best tips for raising chickens + Answers to the most common questions newbies chicken owners ask

Keep your home fur free with a robot vacuum. See how well they work on stairs, hardwood floors, carpet tassels, around objects, and with pet hair. Photos & videos tell the whole story!

A professional floor installer shares expert tips for installing luxury vinyl flooring. Plus the pros & cons of vinyl tile flooring vs. vinyl plank flooring

Know someone who moved? Or spends a lot of time at home? You've come to the right place to find something special for them this year! I own most of these!

I've used essential oil diffusers for years. First plastic ultrasonic diffusers and now glass nebulizing diffusers. Here's a point-by-point comparison summarizing my experience using nebulizers & ultrasonic diffusers.