Fixing ThingsHome & Garden

Creative Uses For Perfume Strips From Magazines

Ladies… You know all those perfume strips you find in women’s’ magazines?

Here are some clever ideas using perfume strips.

Some magazines have as many as 3 or 4 per issue.

And most of them smell really great!

Well, I’ve found a FUN new use for them…

I do this to reap the rewards of FREE perfume samples:

1. Perfume strip from a magazine.Cut the long thin perfumed strip out of the magazine.

2. Open up the self-sealing cover (you know, how the magazine page sticks to itself?) and you’ll notice that the scent is pretty much just in the middle of that strip.

3. Cut the ends off of the long strip, so you now have just the most scented part, plus its self-sealing cover (which also tends to have a lot of the perfume on it).

4. Now, place that perfumed strip in your dayplanner or in your purse.

My day planner with a perfume strip under the paper clip, and another one -- a Shania Twain perfume sample -- under that. From now on, every time you’re fishing around for something, you’ll get a whiff of a great, refreshing smell! And when that one wears out, just insert another one!

I find that it’s just the right amount of pick-me-up on some days.