Articles Tagged:


Yard Sale Facts: Should you have your yard sale at a certain time of year? Which month is best? Which day is best? What is the best time? Here's when & why.

On the first day of Spring, my husband and I plant lots of colorful flowers. DO NOT DO THIS. See when to plant Spring flowers where you live (to avoid a damaging frost)!

See how you can get 2 free tree seedlings, plus some highlights from my personal experience of replanting trees. We live in Tennessee, and the trees I mention here are: Japanese Red Maple tree, Oriental Totem Pole, and Pecan Trees. Great pictures and tips here...

Thinking about going to the world's longest yard sale? Here's a review, so you'll know what to expect and how to make the most of your trip!

Freecycle is a great place to find free stuff AND give away free stuff! How to find a Freecycle group in your area + My tips for getting the most from Freecycle locally.