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Reasons To Give Away Items For FREE At Your Garage Sale + A List Of Awesome 50 Yard Sale Freebies!

One of the nicest things you can do at your yard sale is to give away some items for FREE — instead of charging 25 cents for something.

I’m not shy about making a big deal of all the garage sale freebies I have on hand!

In fact, I actually like to have an entire SECTION of free stuff.

Reasons To Give Away Freebies At Your Yard Sale

So why do I even go to the trouble of gathering up items that I will give away for FREE at my sales?

Here’s why…

I give away FREE yard sale stuff for these 3 reasons:

  1. When it comes right down to it, you know that everything is NOT going to sell. So why not try to guess which of your items are LEAST likely to sell — and just offer those items for free right from the beginning? You want them out of your house anyway, right? Trust me, you will make someone’s day by giving those things away for FREE!
  2. Only those who are truly interested in the free items will actually ask about them and take them anyway. So, it’s a win-win. You only get serious inquiries about the free stuff, and you both feel good about giving & receiving something for nothing. I’m not kidding… people are usually so shocked to see something for FREE, that they simply don’t believe it. So this is a fun thing to be associated with!
  3. Giving things away for free always generates more attention to your yard sale. That’s right, the people who are passing by will be more likely to “notice” your sale! They’ll notice the FREE signs. They’ll notice the many people actively engaged and looking at the wide variety of items you’re selling (or giving away). They’ll notice that people are leaving your sale with items in their hands. Bottom line: More attention means more shoppers. And more sales!
Here's a list of 20 things I've given away for FREE at my yard sales + 30 other things that make great garage sale freebies!

20 Freebies I’ve Given Away At Yard Sales

I’ve been offering free stuff at my garage sales for years. It’s always a hit.

Initially, I started with just one oversize bowl filled with Happy Meal-type toys, trinkets, and odds & ends — mostly for kids. (Also seen in the picture below are some store coupons, markers, eyeglass cases, local sports schedules, and lots of sandollars that I gathered when I was in Florida.)

These days, I usually have an entire SECTION of freebies filled with small trinkets and outdated items — for people of all ages.

Items in my freebies section recently included:

These were some of the Items I gave away for free at one of my garage sales.
  1. Pens, markers & mechanical pencils. (My collection of pens has surpassed my collection of dental floss!)
  2. Odds & ends that I’ve received from various giveaways. (Everything from keyrings to belt buckles… And from bumper stickers to tiny makeup mirrors.)
  3. Sandollars that I collected when I lived in Florida. (I had bucket-fulls! I advertised them this way: “FREE sandollars… take a few… help yourself!” These were a HUGE hit.)
  4. Refrigerator magnets. (Who doesn’t have a supply of refrigerator magnets that you’ve acquired through the years?)
  5. Wheat pennies from my spare change jar. (They’re worth a couple cents more than face value, but I don’t collect ’em myself. Since other people do, I was happy to attract some attention with my sign: “Old Wheat Pennies… FREE… ONE PER PERSON Please.” Since most people don’t visit yard sales alone, those who were interested usually walked away with 2 or 3 wheat pennies after asking their friends to get one too.)
  6. To-do list notepads and magnetic shopping lists. (Random things I’ve received in the mail, or as samples.)
  7. Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons. (When the store was in its heyday, people used to love the fact that they allowed you to use up to 5 coupons per transaction! So basically, you could use a coupon for every single item you bought. Lots of people — including myself — would stock up on BB&B coupons!)
  8. Calendars. ( I just don’t use physical calendars anymore — I’m 100% digital now — so I always give these away.)
  9. Bibles. (Even old ones, small ones, or written in ones. You never know who might read this book and what lives you might be touching!)
  10. Non-perishable food items. (One time I had gathered up items to donate when the Post Office was having a food drive — but I forgot to put them out by the mailbox on the correct day. So I included those items in the “FREE section” at my next yard sale! These days, lots of people are preppers and are eager to scoop up such items. And anyone on a tight budget will appreciate them as well.)
  11. Old magazines. (As much as I thought my old Rolling Stone magazines would be considered “vintage” and valuable to other people… I’ve never been able to sell them. Not even for 25 cents apiece. So I just give them away now. Other magazines too. Personally, I like reading through old magazines, but I guess not many other people do.)
  12. Sturdy paper shopping bags. (I always keep a huge supply of these near my other reusable (cloth) shopping bags. I use them when I’m returning items to a store. Or when we’re taking snacks on a road trip. Sometimes I’ll use one as a makeshift “gift bag.” People are happy to have a sturdy bag like this — for their yard sale purchases if nothing else!)
  13. Old extension cords without the 3rd hole for 3-prong plugs. (Some people just don’t care if they’re not the most modern electrical cords. Others don’t need the 3rd hole — for very specific uses or products.)
  14. Leftover lawn treatment supplies. (One time we had some extra lawn fertilizer left in a bag and some partially used containers of Roundup weed killer. People were happy to take those off our hands.)
  15. Cell phone covers. (Anything that works with “only one version of a specific phone” isn’t very easy to sell… let alone give away! Sometimes, you’ll find someone who collects cell phone covers OR that happens to have that exact same phone.)
  16. Packing materials. (I keep a very large supply of bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and tissue paper on hand at all times — for gift wrapping, shipping items, and packing for a move. Every so often, I clean out my stash and put a pile of these items in my “free” section.)
  17. Clean containers. (I keep all sorts of empty bottles from beauty products & makeup, as well as glass and plastic containers from food items. Especially those that have a clever “look” or a unique “delivery system” — like a pump or a spray. Every now and then, I clean out that stash with the goal of only keeping ONE of every type of container. The rest go in my yard sale freebies section.)
  18. Koozies & bottle holders. (I have quite a collection of can koozies and bottle holders that I’ve acquired through the years. For some reason, I keep on keeping them. At the same time, I keep on receiving more of them! I occasionally sort through my koozie collection and keep only my favorites. The rest go in my garage sale free stuff pile.)
  19. Makeup bags & jewelry pouches. (You know the ones that you get “free with purchase” when you buy makeup, perfume, or jewelry? They’re usually super-cute. And teenagers tend to love them!)
  20. Leftover party supplies — I keep these things forever, but I rarely have parties. So I eventually give away opened packages of party decorations, plastic silverware, and themed party napkins at my yard sales.

30 Things To Give Away For FREE At Yard Sales

Stuffed animals only sell well at a yard sale when they're "cute & cuddly" NOT when they're "old & scratchy." And you know who likes old stuffed animals? Dog owners!
  1. T-shirts cut into rags — Do you have a lot of old t-shirts that aren’t exactly yard sale quality since they have stains, tears, holes? If so, take a few minutes to cut them up into smaller rags. Then giveaway ziploc type baggies filled with clean rags. (Guys love these!)
  2. Old magazines, books, maps, and fliers — Even though they don’t have any real value — someone might enjoy them.
  3. Free samples you’ve received as gifts or in the mail — Believe it or not, serious yardsalers will intentionally sign up for free samples JUST to have freebies to hand out at their yard sales.
  4. Plants from your garden — Maybe you’ve thinned out your daylilies or lilacs. Most people will pay 25-cents apiece per plant, or bulb. Or, you could just give them away! Another example: I have two large sections of my garden filled with Creeping Jenny — it grows like a weed. It’s a bright yellow color so it’s really eye-catching at the entrance to our driveway. I’ve let people help themselves to a few sprigs of this plant — rather than charging them $4 per small container like the garden store does.
  5. Key rings — If you’re anything like me, then you’ve accumulated dozens of keyrings through the years. But how many do you really need? Give ’em away for FREE, and you’re removing some clutter from your house!
  6. Old plastic trays and containers that plants come in — These make great starter materials for gardeners who begin their gardens indoors by planting and germinating seeds indoors before moving them outside.
  7. Old posters of sports stars and music stars — You may be inclined to think, “But that person is really famous… it should bring some money!” Ha – don’t let that fool ya. For years, I tried to sell literally hundreds of old posters and cereal boxes with famous people on them. (I got them when a Freecycler got divorced and gave away her ex-husband’s entire collection of music & sport memorabilia… for FREE.) No matter how low I marked each item (25-cents apiece!), no one ever wanted them at my yard sales. A garage sale is simply NOT the place to sell items that might be perceived as collectibles. Unless you’re willing to research each item and sell them via legit collectors’ avenues, then just give ’em away — like I did.
  8. Reusable shopping bags — Have a few of them lying around that you never use? (I always have tons of these.) Other people cherish them and would love to put them to good use.
  9. Broken but still valuable items — Sometimes I’ll offer something that’s broken but still seen as a “valuable” item to some people — as a freebie. For example: a weed wacker that leaks oil, a digital camera that I dropped and now it doesn’t work properly, an old printer that I can’t figure out what’s wrong with, old cell phones — even if the screens are cracked, teenagers love to get their hands on these!
  10. Makeup that you’ve tried but didn’t like — I’d feel funny selling makeup items that I’ve obviously used. But I’ve given away lots of trial size ones that I’ve received, as well as full-size versions that I just didn’t like the color or the results.
  11. Toiletries (bath and shower products) — Full-size bottles of shampoo, conditioner, liquid shower gel, bars of soap, unused razors/shavers, deodorant, toothpaste, unopened toothbrushes, etc. WILL usually sell for 25 to 50 cents apiece, but I usually just give them away (because mine are usually old and might be less effective than a brand new bottle). Those trial-size bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and lotion that you get at hotels… THOSE are some of the best yard sale freebies!
  12. Pet toys that are well-used — The ones that have very few signs of wear & tear, I SELL. But if they’ve clearly been used and abused by your pets, people will take these off your hands for FREE. Especially dog foster parents, animal shelter workers, and brand new pet parents on a budget. (I even gave away large dog bones that my dogs grew tired of one time!)
  13. Homemade snacks — Bake some cookies, make some candy, or bake cupcakes or muffins and hand out one per person until they’re gone. You may only want to do this when the crowds are small — because it will help to attract more shoppers! (Don’t want to give them away? Then sell them for 25 cents apiece and make a few dollars for your efforts.)
  14. Cheap cookies from the store — Sometimes I’ll buy a bunch of fresh-baked cookies at the store. When you buy in bulk, they’re typically pretty reasonable. Likewise, there’s always a “day old” area where they mark down fresh-baked items prices significantly. I offer ONE per person at my yard sales. (TIP: You may only want to only offer a cookie to shoppers when they check out.)
  15. Plastic bowls & lids that you’ve held onto for years — Even those freebie ones that come with frozen meals! Crafters and parents with young children typically have a million uses for these kinds of items.
  16. Wood scraps — Crafters and woodworkers alike will appreciate these.
  17. PVC pipes — Again, crafters often use these for a multitude of different purposes. And homeowners who do their own home repairs and add-ons can often use them.
  18. Flower vases & Flower pots — When you buy (or receive) an arrangement of flowers, they usually come in a cute little vase. The same is true when you buy flowers at the store… they usually come in a cute plastic container. Crafters, gardeners, and others are likely to have good uses for these types of containers.
  19. Less-than-perfect items — A chair that’s a little tipsy. A table that has a big scratch on it. A patio chair that has a rip on one side. Stained or faded items that have been out in the sun too long that could be repainted and look like new. Photo frames that are scratched. Look for items that you wouldn’t feel comfortable SELLING, but you’d be happy to give away for FREE.
  20. Eyeglass cases — These are highly coveted by members of my family! Not only can they be used to keep your eyeglasses and sunglasses scratch-free. But they can also be used to hold ANY small items. So the various shapes and sizes that eyeglass cases come in are desired by some people.
  21. Old wire hangers — You know, the kind you get from the drycleaner. If you haven’t already, you might want to start purging those and make your closet more tidy by using one style of hangers (either plastic ones, wooden ones, or velvet-covered thin ones).
  22. Reusable straws — Few people will BUY used straws (because they’re hard to clean and there’s kind of an “ick” factor). But they’ll take them for FREE! DIYers often use them in their craft projects, gardeners use them when planting, and kids may use them to build things with.
  23. Stickers — If you’re like me, you’ve probably accumulated a ton of random stickers. (Especially if you’ve got kids.) I’ve found that stickers — even bumper stickers — make great yard sale freebies!
  24. Open containers of pet food & treats — If you’ve discovered that your pet doesn’t like a certain brand or type of food or treat, pet owners will gladly take those items off your hands! Sometimes, it’s just so they can “try” the item for themselves before they invest money in it. Other times, it’s because they’re on a budget and simply appreciate getting something useful for FREE.
  25. Expired products — As long as you clearly indicate that these items are expired, there’s nothing wrong with giving them away. Many people don’t honor expiration dates on some food products and beauty supplies anyway.
  26. Fabric scraps — If you’ve been holding onto a lot of fabric scraps but now realize that you’ll probably never get around to using them in the ways that you had intended… why not give them away for FREE?
  27. Old sheets, towels & blankets — People will rarely pay good money for these items in used condition (especially when they can’t easily inspect the items for stains and tears). You know who is always looking for these items? Here’s who: animal shelters, dog breeders, homesteaders, and veterinarians!
  28. Belts that came with specific garments — If you don’t have the original garment anymore, or you just don’t have a need for those belts… give them away for FREE!
  29. Outdated items — Anything that’s no longer “in style” or thought of as “modern” makes a great garage sale freebie!
  30. Anything you happen to have A LOT of on hand — For example, one time I put out cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes that I was tired of storing in my attic. You never know who can use those items. Someone might have a home business (like selling jewelry on Etsy) that requires them to ship items through the mail in decent looking (or decorative) boxes. Or, someone might be moving soon and they are eagerly searching for moving boxes.

When it comes to freebies… One person’s “trash” truly CAN be another person’s “treasure.”

And your yard sale just might make someone’s day!

How To Prevent Someone From Taking ALL Of Your Freebies

I’ve learned that the odds of this happening are pretty slim. But I know… you still don’t want one or two people to walk away with the majority of the items you’re offering for free.

If you don't have a FREE section at your yard sale, then consider having a BARGAIN area for your yard sale freebies. (Or just devote a smaller area to items that are FREE, less than a dollar, or maybe $5 and under!)

You want as many people as possible to benefit from those things, right?

Well, believe it or not, most people feel uncomfortable “taking” more than one free item at a time. Trust me, I’ve been offering freebies at my yard sales for years, and rarely does one person ever walk away with 2 (or more) freebies. It just doesn’t happen.

Still, you might want to post a sign that says, “ONE PER PERSON, PLEASE” — like I did with the wheat pennies (mentioned above).

For what it’s worth, I usually put the valuable freebies on a blanket (or tarp) on the ground near the check-out. And I put the cheapo freebies (usually for little kids) in big bowls on a table near the check-out. That way, I can keep a pretty good eye on what’s leaving those areas.