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Moving Announcements: 6 Fun Ways To Let People Know You’re Moving (…Or That You’ve Already Moved!)

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By Regina

moving-party-going-away-party-by-jawcey.jpg Whether you tend to move a lot or you’re preparing for one of your first moves, you’ll want to keep everyone informed and up-to-date with your new address.

But you don’t have to be boring about it!

There are lots of fun and creative ways to inform people that you’ll be moving soon (…or that you’ve already moved).

Following are some of the most unique ways to let your friends and family know that you are moving…

#1 – Get some fun moving announcement cards that you can send out in the mail.

Look for creative, uniquely designed cards. They may cost more than the simple/free versions, but they make a great first impression.

Plus, you can pick cards that convey your true personality and style.

I personally think it’s better to send your moving announcements before you move. That way, people have time to say goodbye in person!

Here are some creative moving announcements that you can personalize:

Or, just make your own moving announcements from scratch and print them out at home or use other fun materials!


#2 – If you really want to be environmentally conscious, consider emailing your creative moving announcements rather than mailing them.

You could first scan a moving announcement that you find online, then attaching it to an e-mail.

Or, you could simply design your own moving announcements using a photo editing program such as Paint.net or GIMP (which are both free).

Then, send send your homemade moving announcement as an attachment via email.


#3 – Have a going away party.

This is a really fun way to say goodbye to your friends and loved ones. Nothing says that a going away party has to be planned for you. Heck no, you can plan one for yourself… lots of people do!

Your going away party doesn’t have to be anything fancy, and you don’t have to invite everybody under the sun. You can choose to only include your closest friends and family members.

You can send out the invitations for your going away party via e-mail, or use any of the other methods for creating personalized moving announcements listed here. Consider including your new address and phone number, in the event some are not able to make it to the party. That way, they still have a way to contact you.


#4 – If you don’t have the time (or you aren’t an artsy person), you could just purchase a standard set of pre-printed postcards instead.

What makes this type of moving announcement unique and fun is the type of postcards you start with and the message that’s pre-printed on the outside. Just choose a style or design that’s meaningful to you (it doesn’t have to be about moving), then put a sticker on them with your new address and phone number.

Once you have the cards, you can print the stickers on your printer, slap them on the back of the postcard with an “I’m moving, here’s the information” blurb right above.  Then, all you have to do is add a sticker for their address, as well as a stamp, and drop them in the mail. You can use any picture postcard — even the nickel ones at the dollar store!


#5 – Have a housewarming party.

If you didn’t get around to having a going away party before you moved, this is a fun way to include old friends, as well as any new friends you’ve made since you moved to your new location.

Your best bet for a housewarming party is to make photo moving announcements / invitations that actually show your new house.  Just take a photo of your new home and include it on the cards before sending them out. The best part: your guests will have a better idea of what to look for when they’re navigating to your new location. Your photo card will provide an extra clue to help them find your house!

Some good examples of housewarming parties after a move:




#6 – Send a video announcement about your move.

You could do this at any point before or after the move, it’s completely up to you. The idea is simply to sit in front of a video camera and “talk” to your friends about the move.

The best part about a video moving announcement is the fact that you can actually show people things that pertain to your move. Perhaps your home filled with boxes, your pet’s state of confusion, what your new house looks like inside and out, you get the idea. Plus, the people you share this video with will have some idea of your level of excitement about the move. Oh, and don’t forget to actually mention your new address and the fact that this video serves as your moving announcement — so they should take the time to write down your new address now!

Here’s a great example of moving announcements done video style:


My favorite way to let people know I’m moving is to have a going away party — because it gives me a chance to see people face-to-face at least once before I move. I did this when I moved away from Portland a few years ago, and it was great!