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A pest control expert shows how to get rid of moles in the yard. Ground mole removal methods from mole poison & mole baits to humane options. Get rid of moles naturally using items you already have!

Coffee & roaches go hand in hand. Trust me, I know! Here's how to get rid of roaches in your coffee maker once and for all!

How to keep ladybugs out of your home + Reasons they invade your house. Avoid a ladybug infestation (aka Asian lady beetles and ladybirds) with these tips.

Are invasive species of insects eating your plants? Instead of using chemicals, see this list of beneficial insects to release in the garden. (They will naturally get rid of the pesky insects for you!) Don't want to release live predatory insects?... See our list of plants that attract beneficial insects naturally!

The Scrub Daddy sponge, a popular smiley face scrubber, gets SOFT in hot water, HARD in cold water. Plus it doesn't hold onto food & odors. Lots of fun uses for this kitchen sponge!

We had a big problem with black ants in the kitchen. To get rid of them I didn't use any chemicals. Nor did I purchase any 'safe' ant repellents or anything. Instead, I searched for a natural home remedy that would work. I found it... Bay leaves!

Want to see more examples regarding the 'magic' of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers? Here are even more ways that I've personally used Magic Erasers and how I continue to be amazed by these low-tech gadgets.

You've probably seen them hanging out in people's yards. Truthfully, I never understood the whole Bag-a-Bug concept... that is, until WE needed to use them! Here's why we swear by the bug bags...

This is NOT a brown recluse spider.

These spiders are a common sight around our Tennessee home -- both indoors and outside. At least it's not the poisonous Brown Recluse spider! As you can see from the photo and the description, it's just a common wood wolf spider.