HEAVY Toddler Hip Carrier Review (Easiest Way To Carry A Heavy Child On Your Hip!)

How To Carry A Heavy Child On Your Hip Easily – Even though my 2-year-old son can walk on his own, he sometimes needs to be carried. This lightweight hip seat has been a lifesaver for us!

This toddler hip seat carrier by Lavish Moms has put an end to my sore muscles & backaches from carrying my heavy son. See my detailed review with all of the pros & cons!



Hello. My name is Candida Jagger and I’m a first-time mom who loves to share good things as we discover them.

Today we’re going to share with you our product review on the Lavish Mom’s Hip Carrier.

Now this is not an item that you use every day but it is one of those items where you’re so thankful you packed it. For example, we went to Ruby Falls probably about a month ago. And just around that time, my son Silas here… He got tired and wanted to be carried the entire tour — which was about an hour long.

So I wanted to just show you how easily this thing works. Basically, it’s a giant fanny pack! That’s probably the only negative about it… is that it’s just not something I really feel like just wearing without him on it. But it goes on just like a fanny pack, with the clip and the velcro. It has multiple positions so you can have him like “hip carry”… you can have him “forward carry” — which I did a lot of during that cavern tour. Because he was basically asleep on my chest. And then you could also have it on the other side — whichever arm is more dominant for you.

The thing I love about it… it is super lightweight. There is really no storage. Because this is the seat. It’s basically a hard styrofoam insert that is the seat and support. So there’s no storage in there. It does have a small mesh pocket that at best will hold your phone — but not securely really. As you can see, it won’t fit. So I just keep my phone in my back pocket. But anyway, we’re going to see if Silas will let me demonstrate how this works.

[Hey, Silas! Can you come here? Can you come here?] So you know those times where just like he wants to be picked up or carried… Those… anything longer than… you know 3 or 4 minutes is like killing your shoulders, your arms. You know, you’re walking lopsided just trying to compensate carrying your giant toddler. So this really distributes the weight.

[Hey, can you come here?] The weight and support… [Can you come here?] Okay, well he’s… [You’re not interested? Mama carry you? You want me to carry you? No? Please? No? Okay.]

Maybe we’ll try again to pick him up. So basically I would have the pack on. And literally, you just pick him up like that. And like you’re almost arms free. All the weight is on your hip. And it really extends the life of of your walk. Like we were hiking the other day… [Mama! Hey honey…]

We were walking the other day and my other girlfriend was there with her 2-year-old. And I let her try it because I had it. And her husband tried it as well. And as soon as they got in their vehicle to go home, they ordered one. Because they were like, “Yeah that thing is so worth it!”

So… anyway that’s our opinion. Like I said, it’s not something you’re going to use every day. But when you have it, you’re thankful you have it!

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