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I like to help people find unique ways to do things that will save time & money -- so I write about "outside the box" Household Tips and Life Hacks that most wouldn't think of. I'm super-organized. And I LOVE to clean! I even enjoy doing laundry (but not ironing). I’m also a lifelong dog owner -- so I often share my favorite tips for living with dogs inside your home (like smart home design choices and dog-friendly cleaning & decorating ideas). Career-wise, I've been sharing my best ideas with others by blogging full-time since 1998 (the same year that Google started... and before the days of Facebook and YouTube). Prior to that, I worked in Higher Ed over 10 years before switching gears to pursue activities that I'm truly passionate about instead. For example, I've worked at a vet, in a photo lab, and at a zoo -- to name a few. I enjoy the outdoors via bicycle, motorcycle, Jeep, or RV. When I’m not cleaning, organizing, decorating, or fixing something… you'll find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites). To date, I've personally written over 200 articles about cleaning, organization, DIY repairs, and household hacks on this site! A few have over 2M shares; many others have over 100K shares.

Want to see more examples regarding the 'magic' of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers? Here are even more ways that I've personally used Magic Erasers and how I continue to be amazed by these low-tech gadgets.

See how you can get 2 free tree seedlings, plus some highlights from my personal experience of replanting trees. We live in Tennessee, and the trees I mention here are: Japanese Red Maple tree, Oriental Totem Pole, and Pecan Trees. Great pictures and tips here...

By adding two or more Essential Oils together, you increase their effect considerably. For example, if Lavender and Chamomile are both good for anti-inflammatory purposes, then by combining them, their effect will be even greater together as an anti-inflammatory than either of them used alone. Here's what I've learned about combining -- blending -- Essential Oils... specifically, how many drops should be used for various purposes.

Next on my list of 'subdivision pet peeves' is this: People don't use their garages for parking cars in anymore! Why? See why here...

We've used a Little Giant ladder. This is our review of the Little Giant ladder.

Check out this cool system of hanging photographs using wire, pulled taut across a span, from floor to ceiling, with small hardware holding the photos in place.

Ever wonder what those black lines are along the edges of your carpet -- at the baseboards and under doorways? The black stuff that looks like soot is called 'filtration soil'. Filtration Soiling comes from dirty air ducts -- among other things. Here's what to do about it.

Blue painters tape is utterly INDISPENSABLE around the house! It's great because it sticks to the surface, but leaves no sticky residue when removed.

Essential oil diffusers are an excellent way to freshen the air in a room while creating a welcoming atmosphere -- without the use of any artificial chemicals. Here are a wide variety of diffusers for use in Aromatherapy...