Fixing ThingsHome & Garden

Turn Old T-Shirts Into A Cool Quilt

A cool T-shirt quilt made from old T-shirts. Got T-Shirts?

If you’re like us, you’ve got tons of old t-shirts lying around the house.

Most of them probably date back to your high school years… or other events, activities, or vacations that you’ve enjoyed.

For some reason, we just can’t bring ourselves to toss (or donate) all of those old T-shirts — even though we hardly ever wear them anymore.

Some (like those from concerts & sporting events) have never even been worn at all. We’ve simply been holding onto them purely as mementos, or souvenirs.


Every participant in the Florida AIDS Ride received a commemorative T-shirt, available in your choice of colors. This was a 3-day 300-mile bike ride from Orlando to Miami... I'll never toss that T-shirt. I EARNED it! There was a lot of blood, sweat & tears in them thar T-shirts! Jim and I wore the very T-shirts we were trying to sell at IHRA drag racing events... one of our many entrepreneurial endeavors.

Take note!… Now there’s a company that will turn all of your precious old T-shirts into a one-of-a-kind custom quilt or duvet cover.

A company called Stitch’T prides itself on the creation of one-of-a-kind T-shirt quilts and duvets — all handmade in the USA.

It’s not cheap…

Prices range from $70 for a pillowcase quilt (stitched from 2 shirts)… to $175 for a baby crib quilt (made from 10 t-shirts)… all the way up to $500 for a king-sized duvet cover or quilt (consisting of 30 T-shirts).

For the record, all Stitch’T throws are backed with 60% polyester and 40% cotton gray sweatshirt
material. Duvet covers are backed with 100% cotton gray fabric.

Check out their ever-growing Gallery of Custom Quilts & Throws!

Then again, with a little patience — and a sewing machine — you, or someone you know who likes to sew, could certainly whip up one of these T-shirt quilts in no time!

Alas, if I’ve managed to convince you that you just don’t need so many T-shirts hanging out around your home, but you’re really not interested in turning them into a custom quilt, then by all means… donate those old T-shirts to Stitch’T. They’ll put them to good use in other people’s quilts!


One of the T-shirts I cannot bring myself to throw away…

(Notice I said “throw away”. Sad but true, this one barely even deserves to be laundered anymore!)

This trusty old O.P. T-shirt (do they still make Ocean Pacific?) is the softest and most comfortable shirt I’ve ever owned in my life.

I got it in Florida, circa 1993.

It has survived several moves, various pets, and something worthy of piercing several holes through the front of it.

Making candle from scratch in my apartment while wearing my favorite pink OP T-shirt.. Giving Destin a bath in the backyard while wearing my favorite pink OP T-shirt. Me in 1998… making candles from scratch

Me last weekend… washing the dogs


For awhile, this O.P. T-shirt was my favorite sleep shirt. But now it doesn’t even meet the qualifications for that. These days, it’s fallen in the ranks and has become one of the many T-shirts we grab in times of need when we’re painting, mowing, or washing the dogs. (You know… one step above a “rag”.)

Notice the many holes and frayed sleeves…

Giving Tenor a bath in the backyard last week while wearing my favorite ratty old OP T-shirt.



Well, I finally had to toss my ‘ol beloved t-shirt in the trash. It got to where there were just too few areas that could actually provide some coverage!

You can even see some of the holes in the picture.

It was a very sad day…

More about me and my favorite t-shirt here.