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Got roaches in your coffee machine? Coffee & roaches go hand in hand. Trust me, I know! Here's how to get rid of roaches in your coffee maker once & for all

There's nothing quite as scary as trying to figure out how to pack up your computer before a move so that you don't damage it. Here are the best ways to pack computers in preparation for moving.

Is fabric softener necessary? Does it work? Is it bad for you, your clothes, or your dryer? The truth about fabric softeners & dryer sheets - myths debunked

You need a detailed inventory of all your belongings in the event of a natural disaster or theft. Create your own personal inventory using one of these FREE home inventory programs, apps, and printable forms. (You don't have to use a home inventory app. I'll show you how to save your home inventory in the cloud!)

The Scrub Daddy sponge, a popular smiley face scrubber, gets SOFT in hot water, HARD in cold water. Plus it doesn't hold onto food & odors. Lots of fun uses for this kitchen sponge!

Should you buy a house or rent one? The hidden costs of home ownership were eye-opening to me when I bought my first home. Read this before buying a home.

Buying a home warranty or appliance warranty to protect the systems & appliances in your house? Our friends rave about theirs! I've listed the pros & cons.


Stainless steel requires careful cleaning to maintain its luster. Here's how to clean stainless steel and remove scratches from stainless steel appliances.

Tankless water heaters cost 3 times more than conventional hot water heaters to buy and install, so you're probably wondering if they are really worth it or not. Following are the pros & cons and details about the cost and installation of tankless water heaters.