Articles Tagged:

Essential Oils

I've used Essential Oils for years for their Aromatherapy properties. Here are the basics of Aromatherapy and how to get started with Essential Oils.

Poo Pouri is a GOOD poop spray! I'll never buy a traditional bathroom spray again. You can combine Essential Oils + Water to make your own Poo Pourri recipe

5 home recipes to make natural fabric softener + 3 great tips for removing static cling in the dryer, and 4 ways to get rid of static cling on clothes you're wearing!

Know someone who moved? Or spends a lot of time at home? You've come to the right place to find something special for them this year! I own most of these!

I've used essential oil diffusers for years. First plastic ultrasonic diffusers and now glass nebulizing diffusers. Here's a point-by-point comparison summarizing my experience using nebulizers & ultrasonic diffusers.

Yes, you can find cheap essential oils that are 100% pure. Here's a list of the best essential oils to buy when you're on a budget - based on cost per drop.

Few, if any, flooring experts recommend steam cleaning hardwood floors. So I haven't - til now. My experience using the Monster steam mop vs Bona spray mop.

I tried 3 chemical-free cleaning products: A Dishwasher Disk, Laundry Balls, and Scented Dryer Balls. Here's what I learned...


I used to spend a fortune Dawn dishwashing foaming soap dispensers. Now I refill those pump bottles with my own homemade foaming soap! Here's how to make foaming soap