Cleaning Things

Fabric Softeners And Dryer Sheets: Myths vs Facts
Heard warnings about the downsides of using fabric softener and dryer sheets? There are so many opinions out there about whether or not you should use fabric softener. You might’ve heard it can stain your clothes, start a fire, cause buildup in your washer & dryer, scare away mice, ruin sportswear, soften hard water, and cause acne — among other things. It’s time to sort out the facts from the myths about fabric softeners and dryer sheets!
Decorating Inside & Out
Storing & Organizing Things

Battery Storage Tip: Don’t Let 9-Volt Batteries Touch… Could Start A Fire!
Battery storage is important because if battery terminals touch, it could start a fire. Definitely don’t store 9v batteries loosely in drawers or in bags!