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The Ultimate Successful Yard Sale Guide: All My Best Yard Sale Tips And Tricks For Sellers

DIY Yard Sale Guide 101

Who doesn’t like yard sales? It’s such a great way to make some quick cash AND get rid of clutter at the same time!

Besides, people routinely take stuff that’s been left at the curb for FREE when it’s intended for the garbage anyway! So why not SELL those items instead of just giving them away?

For me, preparing for a yard sale is a process (…if not an art).

I sold $220.00 worth of stuff at a recent 1-day yard sale. Not bad for a single day!… But I’ve done better.

At the one before this, I made $475.00.

At my most recent yard sale, I made $1,013.00. Proof that if you take the time — and price things right — you can make a lot of money from a yard sale.

A Little About Me

So far, I’ve hosted yard sales in New York, Florida, Texas, Indiana, and Tennessee.

Each time I have a yard sale (or garage sale), I make a point to fine-tune the things I’ve done at each sale, and take notes of the things I want to do (and not do) at my NEXT yard sale.

It’s similar to the way my husband and I run our small business…

I believe the key to a successful yard sale is to look at it as a business. Although it’s not your day-to-day job, you can (and should!) prepare for this event well in advance.

Also, for businesses to be successful, they have to constantly reinvent themselves and recreate ideas that will appeal to their audiences. The same is true with yard sales… You want to draw attention to your sale through your own clever advertising and finding ways to be unique.

The more you can make your sale — and your items — appear unique and valuable to others, the more successful your yard sale will be!

How To Make The Most Money At Your Yard Sale

So, how do you fine-tune the process of having a successful yard sale (and ultimately make the most money)?

By learning from:

  • Your OWN previous yard sales
  • OTHERS who’ve hosted yard sales recently
  • Garage sale SHOPPERS

In time, you will begin to see what works and what doesn’t. And you will inevitably find shortcuts & time-savers that will result in even more yard sale profits.

What? You say you don’t have the time to do all of this research yourself?

Well, you’re in luck!

I’ve done most of the hard work for you, and compiled all of my findings right here in this 6-part series that contains my tried & true BEST yard sale tips and tricks for sellers.

How To Host A Successful Yard Sale

I’ve done the research — so you don’t have to. (Trust me, I’m well over the minimum of 10,000 hours on this topic.)

The “10,000-hour rule” is a concept that suggests that it takes at least 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert in a particular skill or field. The rule was popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers: The Story of Success, where he cited research on expert musicians as the basis for the idea.

And I’ve laid the groundwork for you right here. Making it easy for you to just jump in and go!

Ready to have a successful yard sale?



So…. What are you waiting for? You’re just 6 steps away from having a successful yard sale.

Best of luck!

When reading through the articles in this “Successful Yard Sale Guide” look for this logo to get back to the series home:

I also share garage sale tips from others on my Pinterest yard sale board.

And finally…

Just for laughs, here’s a funny yard sale video that was originally made for the CMT network — it features the work of Country comedy artist, “Dollar Bill”:

If you have any questions about hosting a yard sale, post them in the comments below — and I’ll do my best to answer them.

And by all means… if you’d like to share some of your own tips for having a successful yard sale, please do!

I hope you’ve found these yard sale tips and tricks for sellers helpful. If so, please share on Pinterest (or your own favorite platform) to help others find these easy yard sale tips. Thanks a bunch.