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How To Fold Anything: Shirts, Towels, Sheets, Napkins

Didn’t your mother ever teach you the correct way to fold a shirt? (I know, mine didn’t either.)

Nor do my folded towels look like Martha Stewart’s. (I can’t figure out how to fold fitted sheets for the life of me!)

That is, until now!…

How To Fold Towels & Stack Them

I personally use this method for folding towels. It’s easy.

 Here are some videos showing other ways to fold towels, plus tips for keeping the towels hanging straight in your bathroom.

How To Fold Towels & Napkins For Special Occasions

If you’ve ever been on a cruise, then you’ve probably seen some cleverly-folded towels and napkins placed in your room and on your dinner table.

 Here are detailed instructions for making some of those interesting creatures yourself.

 Here are some amazing photos and instructions for folding napkins into classy shapes.

 Heck, you can even fold paper napkins in fun ways!

How To Fold Sheets

First, there’s the Martha Stewart way of folding sheets. But I can never get it to work right (sometimes she can’t either). It looks like she’s revised her instructions for folding fitted sheets in this video from the editor of Real Simple magazine.

 If you really want to fold fitted sheets in a jiffy, try the steps highlighted in this video. Yes, it is possible to fold fitted sheets better than Martha Stewart!

How To Fold A Shirt

Chances are, if you’ve ever worked retail, then you’ve probably learned this quick trick to creating a perfect fold every time…

If you want neatly organized shirts in your dresser drawers and on your shelves, this video shows you exactly how.

Watch them “fold like the wind” …right before your very eyes!

 Here’s how to make the cardboard folding machine seen in the video above. (View how-to video instructions here.)

How To Fold Everything Else!

And, finally, if you’re looking for the easy way to fold everything perfectly the first time… try the FlipFold. It’s a unique folding tool that folds everything from short- and long-sleeved shirts to sweaters, pants, and towels.

…Happy folding!