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I've had lots of great garage sales. I recently had my most successful yard sale ever. Made over $1,000! Here are 101 of my best yard sale tips... for FREE.

Is fabric softener necessary? Does it work? Is it bad for you, your clothes, or your dryer? The truth about fabric softeners & dryer sheets - myths debunked

With dog nose prints, cat paw prints, and my son's handprints on our glass sliding doors, this is the fastest way I can clean windows without streaks or chemicals!


Here's the most practical folding technique of them all... one that everyone can use on a daily basis: How to fold towels & keep them looking great during use in your bathroom!

Some fun and creative ways to fold bathroom towels into unique shapes, including animals.

Moving? Remodeling? Renovating?... Here are the Top 10 bathroom renovations that today's homeowners are concentrating on. If you're thinking about updating your bathroom, check here first for the best bathroom upgrades.


Tips and instructions for learning how to fold ANYTHING... from folding towels and napkins to sheets, shirts, sweaters, and pants!