Cleaning ThingsHome & Garden

Do Cheap Melamine Sponges Work As Well As Mr. Clean Magic Erasers? (Hint: YES!)

I tested generic melamine sponges next to Magic Erasers on each of the cleaning tasks mentioned below, and the answer is… YES!


I still buy Mr. Clean Magic Erasers whenever I find them on sale — because a good deal is a good deal.

But most of the time, I buy generic melamine sponges sold under a variety of different names instead — because they’re so much cheaper.

And since each eraser sponge (from Mr. Clean or anyone else) only lasts a few uses anyway, it’s not a product that I want to spend a lot of money on.

My Experience With Generic Melamine Sponges


I’ve bought storebrand eraser sponges from stores like Walgreens, Home Depot, and CVS and they work just as well.

I’ve bought no-name eraser sponges in bulk from Amazon and they work just as well.

Most recently, I was given a large supply of melamine sponges from to try.

They, too, work just as well as the official Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. They say they’re “made of 100% identical material as the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser” and they do look and clean identically, in my opinion. From their email to me:

We are a private label distributor of Magic Erasers. Our company buys the same product from Germany as the Mr. Clean Eraser.

~ SoungeOutlet

The best part about the generic melamine foam sponges is they cost so much less!

For example, at Sponge Outlet, you can get the basic eraser sponges for as low as 29 cents apiece (and free shipping). I think the lowest I’ve seen Mr. Clean Magic Erasers is around 75 cents apiece. That’s a big difference for basically the same product.

Melamine foam is the active component of Procter & Gamble’s product Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, as well as other similar cleaning products … The foam is manufactured in Germany by BASF under the name Basotect

~ Source

How I Use A Melamine Sponge Around The House

My favorite uses for these cleaning blocks change all the time.

These days, I mostly use a melamine foam sponge to:

  • Remove dog slobber from window sills – what dog doesn’t like to stare out the window?
  • Wipe dirt & grease marks from our white doors – since we use the doors that go to 2 different garages many times each day, this is pretty much an ongoing task
  • Clean the white vinyl screen door – the exterior side that leads to the back porch regularly accumulates a lot of dirt and debris
  • Remove dirty fingerprints from the white pantry door – that gets used multiple times a day
  • Make the see-thru doggie door see-thru again – because it gets used many times each day and accumulates everything from dog slobber and fur to dirt and pollen
  • Wipe dust and dirt from white baseboards – especially in the tight corners
  • Clean chrome fixtures – they’re great at removing hard water build-up, soap scum, and toothpaste splatter from all of our bathroom sink & shower fixtures
  • Remove dirty fingerprints from our white light switches – the ones near the doors and the pantry seem to get the dirtiest

I’ve tested a generic melamine sponge against the original Mr. Clean melamine sponge in each of the above circumstances, and the generic ones do — in fact — clean just as well.

So whether you decide to buy the generic melamine sponges or the original cleaning erasers — they’ll all work great. I say… buy whatever you find that’s a good deal!

You will always find boxes from various brands inside my cleaning supplies cabinet.

My Best Tip!


My best tip is to cut each melamine foam sponge into several mini-rectangles and use those for your smaller cleaning projects around the house (like all of those I’ve mentioned above).

That way, you won’t “waste” a whole sponge on a relatively small task. You’ll get anywhere from 10 to 12 uses from each sponge!

I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve needed to use a full-size melamine sponge for a cleaning project. I use these smaller portions almost all the time.

Clever Uses For A Melamine Sponge

If you like melamine cleaning sponges as much as I do, then you’re going to love these clever and unique ways that I use melamine foam sponges all around the house: